오토핫키] 자신의 스크립트를 암호화하여 보호하는 방법오토핫키 2023. 2. 25. 08:07
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오토핫키 사용자들은 자신의 스크립트가 노출될 것을 우려하는 경우가 많다. 왜?
오토핫키는 인터프리터언어인데 게다가 오픈소스이기까지 하니까
그래서 우리는 다양한 방법들로 스크립트를 보호할 수 있는데
그 중에서 메모장으로 파일을 열어서 확인이 가능한 정도의 사람들은 보지 못하도록 방지하는 방법을 알아보자.
스크립트를 암호화 하는 것과 디컴파일을 방지하는 것은 서로 결이 다르다. 이 글은 암호화를 하는 것을 다룬다. 디컴파일은 방지하지 못한다.
시작하기에 앞서 다시 한번 말하지만 오토핫키는 소스 보호를 절대 하지 못한다. 무조건 뚫린다.
리버스 엔지니어링은 신이고 디버거는 무적이다.
먼저 우리는 해당 링크를 주목하자.
https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=80229ScriptGuard: Helps Protect Compiled Scripts from Decompilation - AutoHotkey Community
@ Quote 24 Aug 2020, 18:10 ScriptGuard is not designed to be the complete answer to preventing compiled scripts from being revealed by a determined hacker, but is more to prevent casual examination of the script in a running compiled .exe. It grew from an
스크립트를 암호화를 할 수 있도록 도와주는 함수가 있다.
; ------------------------------ ScriptGuard1 -------------------------------- ScriptGuard1() ; Hides AutoHotkey source in compiled scripts { ; By TAC109, Edition: 28Jan2023 ; Include this code in your script at the top static _:=SubStr(A_AhkVersion,1,1)=1?ScriptGuard1():1 ;Runs when script starts local ahk:=">AUTOHOTKEY SCRIPT<", pt:=0,sz:=0,d:=0,k,v, rx:=0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ,rc, ahk1:="~AUTOHOTKEY SCRIPT~",rs:=0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF,rz:=0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF if A_IsCompiled ;^ Don't alter! ; See bit.ly/ScriptGuard for more details { for k,v in [ahk1, ahk, "#1"] ; Works with v1.1 & v2, but not _H if (rc:=DllCall("FindResource", "Ptr",0, v ~= "^#\d$" ? "Ptr" : "Str", v ~= "^#\d$" ? SubStr(v,2) : v, "Ptr",10, "Ptr")) && (sz:=DllCall("SizeofResource","Ptr",0, "Ptr",rc, "Uint")) && (pt:=DllCall("LoadResource", "Ptr",0, "Ptr",rc, "Ptr")) && (pt:=DllCall("LockResource", "Ptr",pt, "Ptr")) && (DllCall("VirtualProtect","Ptr",pt, "Ptr",sz, "UInt",0x04, "UInt*",rc)) DllCall("RtlZeroMemory","Ptr",pt, "Ptr",sz), d:=k ; Wipe script from RAM (rs=rx)?0:DllCall("VirtualProtect","Ptr",rs,"Ptr",rz,"UInt",0x02,"UInt*",rc) (d<2)?DllCall("MessageBox","Int",0,"Str","Warning: ScriptGuard1 not active!" . "`n`nError = " (A_LastError=1814 ? ("Resource Name '" ahk "' not found." . "`nTo fix, see the 'Example 1' comments at https://bit.ly/BinMod.") : A_LastError), "Str", A_ScriptName, "Int", 64):0 ; For additional security, } } (SubStr(A_AhkVersion,1,1) = 1) ? 0 : ScriptGuard1() ; see bit.ly/BinMod ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
그리고 BinMod 라는 또다른 ahk 파일이 있는데
;@Ahk2Exe-SetVersion 2023.02.14 ; Edition: y.m.d ;@Ahk2Exe-SetCopyright TAC109 ;@Ahk2Exe-SetProductName BinMod ;@Ahk2Exe-SetDescription Binary file editor - see Ahk2Exe's PostExec directive ;@Ahk2Exe-SetMainIcon ; Override any icon saved as default /* BinMod is a simple, fast binary file editor written by TAC109, designed to be called from Ahk2Exe's 'PostExec' compiler directive. Use Ahk2Exe included with AutoHotkey v1.1.35+, or check for later Ahk2Exe versions at https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=65095. ------------------------- Installation Instructions -------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Users of Ahk2Exe v1.1.34.03c+ can simply use 'Help' -> 'Check for Updates'. Otherwise, compile BinMod.ahk using a recent version 1.1 32-bit Unicode base file. Place the resulting BinMod.exe file in the compiler directory that contains Ahk2Exe.exe (usually "C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\Compiler\"). ------------------------------ Usage Examples -------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ With the examples below, the user can make alterations to the compiled program to disguise that it is an AutoHotkey compiled script, & also improve security. 0. To use any of the examples 1 - 4 below, add the following 3 lines ONCE ONLY to your script immediately prior to the lines used from those examples: ;@Ahk2Exe-Obey U_Bin,= "%A_BasePath~^.+\.%" = "bin" ? "Cont" : "Nop" ; .bin? ;@Ahk2Exe-Obey U_au, = "%A_IsUnicode%" ? 2 : 1 ; Base file ANSI or Unicode? ;@Ahk2Exe-PostExec "BinMod.exe" "%A_WorkFileName%" 1. To replace '>AUTOHOTKEY SCRIPT<' with ' DATA' (for example) in the .exe made from a *.bin base file, add the following line to your script: ;@Ahk2Exe-%U_Bin% "%U_au%2.>AUTOHOTKEY SCRIPT<. DATA " Note: In the example above, the replacement field must be upper-case and space-filled to give a total of 19 characters in order for the compiled program to work correctly. This field should start with a space to avoid RCData collating problems with any 'FileInstall' commands in the script. Or, if 'DATA' is replaced by the word RANDOM a random number will replace this word, and will continue to the end of the 19 character field, e.g. ;@Ahk2Exe-%U_Bin% "%U_au%2.>AUTOHOTKEY SCRIPT<. RANDOM" Users of ScriptGuard1 (see bit.ly/ScriptGuard) should add a 1 to the line: ;@Ahk2Exe-%U_Bin% "1%U_au%2.>AUTOHOTKEY SCRIPT<. RANDOM" ^ 2. To change the 'AutoHotkeyGUI' class to 'My_Class' (for example) add the line: ;@Ahk2Exe-Cont "%U_au%.AutoHotkeyGUI.My_Class" If My_Class is replaced by RANDOM a random number will be generated & used. 3. To set the current date and time as the compile time in the generated .exe, add one of the following lines (works only until 19 Jan 2038 - MS bug): ;@Ahk2Exe-Cont /SetDateTime ; Set current local date and time, or ;@Ahk2Exe-Cont /SetUTC ; Set current UTC date and time 4. To encrypt the embedded script in the .exe with a random key and also provide enhanced ScriptGuard security, add the next line: ;@Ahk2Exe-Cont /ScriptGuard2 ; See bit.ly/ScriptGuard for more details 5. To prevent the use of "UPX -d" to de-compress a UPX-compressed .exe add the following line to your script: (The 'example 0' lines are not needed here.) ;@Ahk2Exe-PostExec "BinMod.exe" "%A_WorkFileName%" "11.UPX." "1.UPX!.", 2 ---------------------------- Parameters in Detail ---------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Parameters are as follows (the first is mandatory, the rest are optional): 1. Path and file name of file to be modified. 2. One or more parameters specifying changes to be made, with fields thus: a) "1" - match once with 1 byte/character binary file portion. "2" - match once with 2 byte/character binary file portion. These can be mixed and/or repeated to match more than once. b) Simple case-sensitive string for matching. c) Simple string to replace matched string. If shorter than b, it will be padded with 0x00's. If longer than b, an error message will be shown. If the replacement string contains the letters RANDOM a random number will replace this word, and will continue to the end of the b field. Use the same separator between fields a, b, and c (e.g. "." or "`,"). Parameter 2 can be repeated if required. Parameters containing spaces must be enclosed in double quotes. 3. /SetDateTime or /SetUTC - This parameter sets the compile time to the current date and time (local or UTC) in the generated .exe. 4. /ScriptGuard2 - This parameter causes the embedded script to be encrypted with a random key, and also adds extra security to the generated .exe. See bit.ly/ScriptGuard for more details. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The searching technique used was inspired by this post: https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=76&t=13155 by gwarble. */ ; ================================ Program =================================== #NoEnv ; For performance & future compatibility #Warn ; For catching common errors #MaxMem 4095 ; Handle large files SetBatchLines -1 ; Run at full speed #NoTrayIcon global hFile:=0, Bin, L, B:=["UChar","UShort",,"UInt",,,,"UInt64"], dbg:=0 Mes:=">AUTOHOTKEY SCRIPT<", Sa:=PEz:=A1:=Bit:=SG2:=0 SM := "Could not perform /ScriptGuard2 procedure! (" ((A_PtrSize = 8) || !A_IsUnicode) ? ErrMes("Wrong type of AutoHotkey used!`n`n" . "Please compile with a v1.1 32-bit Unicode base file.") : 0 #Include *i D:\Dropbox\AutoHotKey\BinDbg.ahk ; Debugging only (%false% < 1) ? ErrMes("No parameters supplied!") : 0 FileName := %true% ; 1st parameter is file name FileGetSize Sz, %FileName% VarSetCapacity(Bin, Sz) FileRead Bin, *c %FileName% (ErrorLevel) ? ErrMes("File cannot be opened! (B1)`n`n""" FileName """") : 0 hFile:=DllCall("_lopen", "AStr",FileName, "Int",0x2) ; Open file for alteration Loop % %false% ; Number of parameters { IfEqual A_Index, 1, continue ; Skip filename Par := %A_Index% ; Get parameter if par in /SetDateTime,/SetUTC ; Set current date & time into .exe { Date := par="/SetUTC" ? A_NowUTC : A_Now, GetA1() Date -= 1970, s ; Works until 19 Jan 2038! MS to fix VarSetCapacity(Rplc1,4), NumPut(Date,Rplc1,0,B.4) DllCall("_llseek", "UPtr",hFile, "UInt",A1+8, "Int",0) DllCall("_lwrite", "UPtr",hFile, "UInt",&Rplc1, "UInt",4) } else if (Par = "/ScriptGuard2") ; Remember ScriptGuard2 for later SG2 := 1 else ; Process text replacements { while [1,1][Sep:=SubStr(Par,A_Index,1)] ; Get separator after '1's and '2's continue Pfld := StrSplit(Par, Sep) ; Split parameter into fields if (Wk := (Pfld.3~="RANDOM")) Pfld.3 := SubStr(Pfld.3,1,Wk-1) Rnd(StrLen(Pfld.2)+1-Wk) if (Pfld.MaxIndex() != 3 || Pfld.1 = "" || StrLen(Pfld.3) > StrLen(Pfld.2)) ErrMes("Invalid parameter!`n`n#" A_Index "; """ Par """") if (Pfld.2 = Mes && StrLen(Pfld.3) != 19) ErrMes("Replacement field not 19 characters long.`n`n""" Par """",0) if (Pfld.2 = Mes) Mes := Pfld.3 Slen := StrLen(Pfld.2) ; Setup search & replace variables VarSetCapacity(Srch1, Slen, 0), StrPut(Pfld.2, &Srch1, "UTF-8") VarSetCapacity(Srch2, Slen*2, 0), StrPut(Pfld.2, &Srch2, "UTF-16") VarSetCapacity(Rplc1, Slen, 0), StrPut(Pfld.3, &Rplc1, "UTF-8") VarSetCapacity(Rplc2, Slen*2, 0), StrPut(Pfld.3, &Rplc2, "UTF-16") Loop % StrLen(Pfld.1) ; For each type of search { Type := SubStr(Pfld.1, A_Index, 1) ; Scan for search item If (Off := InBuf(&Bin, Sz, &Srch%Type%, Slen*Type )) < 0 ErrMes("String not found!`n`n#" A_Index "=" Type "; """ Pfld.2 """") Loop % Slen*Type ; Alter buffer & file NumPut(NumGet(Rplc%Type%, A_Index-1, B.1), Bin, Off+A_Index-1, B.1) DllCall("_llseek", "UPtr",hFile, "UInt",Off, "Int",0) DllCall("_lwrite", "UPtr",hFile, "UInt",&Rplc%Type%, "UInt",Slen*Type) } } } if (SG2) ; Process /ScriptGuard2 { DllCall("_lclose", "UPtr",hFile), hFile := 0, VarSetCapacity(BinM,4096,254) IfEqual dbg, 1, ToolTip Update Resource if !(Mod:=DllCall("BeginUpdateResource", "Str", FileName, "UInt", 0, "Ptr")) ErrMes(SM "B1)`n`n'BeginUpdateResource'") if !DllCall("UpdateResource", "Ptr",Mod, "Ptr",10, "Str",(BinN:= " " Rnd(17)) , "ushort", 0x409, "Ptr", &BinM, "UInt", 4096, "UInt") ErrMes(SM "B2)`n`n'UpdateResource'") Loop { if !DllCall("EndUpdateResource", "Ptr", Mod, "UInt", 0) ErrMes(SM "B3)`n`nThis error may be caused by your anti-virus checker.",0) else break } IfEqual dbg, 1, ToolTip FileGetSize Sz, %FileName% VarSetCapacity(Bin, Sz) FileRead Bin, *c %FileName% (ErrorLevel) ? ErrMes("File cannot be opened! (B2)`n`n""" FileName """") : 0 hMod :=DllCall("LoadLibraryEx","Str",FileName,"Ptr",0, "Ptr",2, "Ptr") for k, v in ["#1", Mes, "#1"], rc:=pt:=pt1:=pt2:=pt3:=0 { if (rc :=DllCall("FindResource", "Ptr",hMod, v ~= "^#\d$" ? "Ptr" : "Str" , v ~= "^#\d$" ? SubStr(v,2) : v, "Ptr",k=1 ? 3 : 10,"Ptr")) (Sa :=DllCall("SizeofResource","Ptr",hMod, "Ptr",rc, "UInt")) && k1:=k , (pt :=DllCall("LoadResource", "Ptr",hMod, "Ptr",rc, "Ptr")) , (pt%k%:=DllCall("LockResource", "Ptr",pt, "Ptr")) } DllCall("FreeLibrary", "Ptr",hMod) (Sa = 0) ? ErrMes(SM "B4-" A_LastError ")`n`nScript not found.") : 0 par := "/ScriptGuard2", GetA1(), VarSetCapacity(L,0x50,0) if NumPut(Bit,L,B.4) && NumPut(A1+0x28,L,4,B.4) && (k1=2) Wk1:=GetA2(Mes,19,2), Wk:=GetA2(Mes,19,2,0), (!Wk)?Wk:=GetA2(Mes,19):0 ,(!Wk) ? ErrMes(SM "B5)") : (NumPut(Wk1.2,L,0x8,B.4),NumPut(Wk.2,L,0xc,B.4)) Wk:=np(SubStr(BinM,1,30),30,0x14,,,1), Rnd(2048,65535,,Bin,Wk,2) Wk:=GetA2("~AUTOHOTKEY SCRIPT~",19), (Wk) ? StrPut(BinN,&Bin+Wk.1,19,"UTF-8") : ErrMes(SM "B8)`n`nLatest ScriptGuard1() must be included in the script.") NumPut(A2r.2,L,0x24,B.4), NumPut(A2r.1,L,0x28,B.4), NumPut(A2r.3,L,0x2c,B.4) Wk1 := A2r.3, StrPut("0 ",&Bin+np("7F",2,0x3c,,0), 16, "UTF-8") StrPut(Format("{:#-18X}",Wk1), &Bin+np("x7F",3,,,0)-1, 18, "UTF-8") NumPut(4096,L,0x1c,B.4), NumPut(37,L,0x10,B.4) , Rnd(,3000,,L,0x20,4) Wk:=np("; <COMPILER: v",14,0x40), Rnd(99,127,32,Bin,Wk+1,,"`n") ((Wk1 := GetA2("; <COMPILER: v",14,,1)) && ng(Wk1.1-1,1) != 34) ? ErrMes(SM "B7)`n`nMore than 1 compiled script found.") : 0 NumPut(Sa,L,0x48,B.4), Rnd(2,65535,7,L,0x30,2) NumPut(NumGet(L,0x44,B.4)-pt2-pt3+pt1-NumGet(L,0x28,B.4),L,0x34,B.4) IfEqual dbg, 1, ToolTip Update Machine Code if (Wk:=InBuf(&Bin,0,&L,0)) || ErrorLevel ErrMes(SM "B9)`n`nCorrupt machine code!`nResult=" Wk " Error=" ErrorLevel) hFile:=DllCall("_lopen", "AStr",FileName, "Int",0x2) DllCall("_llseek", "UPtr",hFile, "UInt",0, "Int",0) DllCall("_lwrite", "UPtr",hFile, "UInt",&Bin, "UInt",Sz) IfEqual dbg, 1, ToolTip } DllCall("_lclose", "UPtr",hFile) ; Close file & finish ExitApp 0 ; ============================== Subroutines ================================= ErrMes(Mes, Err:=1) ; Show error/warning message { IfEqual dbg, 1, ToolTip MsgBox % Err ? 16 : 49,, % (Err ? "Error: " : "Warning: ") Mes . (Err ? "" : "`n`nPress 'OK' to continue, or 'Cancel' to abandon.") IfMsgBox Cancel Err := 1 ; Exit if cancel from warning msg if (hFile && Err) DllCall("_lclose", "UPtr",hFile) ; Close file if open & error if (Err) ExitApp 1 ; Exit if error } GetA1() ; Need .exe here { global if ng(,2)!=0x5A4D || (A1:=ng(0x3C,2)) > StrLen(Bin)-4 || ng(A1)!=0x4550 || !(Bit:={0x014C:1,0x8664:2}[ng(A1+4,2)]) ; 1=32-bit, 2=64-bit ErrMes("File is not a valid .EXE for '" Par "'!`n`n""" FileName """") PEz := ng(A1+0x14,2) + 0x18 } GetA2(ByRef Mes, Slen, Type=1, Stop=1, Binary=0, A2=0) { static Offset:=-1 global VarSetCapacity(Srch1,Slen) ,StrPut(Mes,&Srch1,"UTF-8"),Offset:=Stop?-1:Offset VarSetCapacity(Srch2,Slen*2),StrPut(Mes,&Srch2,"UTF-16") IfEqual Binary, 1, Loop % Slen*Type NumPut(NumGet(Mes, A_Index-1, B.1), Srch1, A_Index-1, B.1) If (Offset := InBuf(&Bin, Sz, &Srch%Type%, Slen*Type, Offset+1 )) >= 0 { Loop % ng( A1+6, 2) { if (A2 := A1+PEz+(A_Index-1)*0x28) && (ng(A2+0x10)+ng(A2+0x14) > Offset) { (ng(A2,8) = 0x637273722e) ? NumPut(0xE0000040, Bin, A2+0x24, B.4) : 0 return [Offset, Offset-ng(A2+0x14)+ng(A2+0xc), ng(A2+0xc), ng(A2+0x8)] } } } } ng(OffSt = 0, Size = 4) { return NumGet(Bin, Offst, B[Size]) } np(ByRef Mes, Slen, Offst=0, Type=1, Stop=1, Binary=0, Wk=0) { global Wk := GetA2(Mes, Slen, Type, Stop, Binary), A2r := [Wk.3+Wk.1-Wk.2, Wk.3,Wk.4] (Wk)?(Offst?(NumPut(Wk.2,&L,Offst,B.4),NumPut(Wk.1,&L,Offst+4,B.4)):0) :ErrMes(SM "B6)`n`n" SubStr(Mes,1,Slen)) return Wk.1 } Rnd(cnt=1, Max=9, Min=0, ByRef Add=0, Off="", S=1, Ech="", Ran="", Res="") { Loop % cnt { Random Ran, Min, Max (Off="") ? Res .= Ran : NumPut(Ran, Add, Off+(A_Index-1)*S, B[S]) } until Ech && NumGet(Add, Off+((A_Index-1)*S)+S, B[S]) = Asc(Ech) return Res } InBuf(hayP, hayS, neeP, neeS, sOff=0) ; Search buffer; returns offset { Static Buf ;Includes InBuf by wOxxOm www.autohotkey.com/forum/topic25925.html If (!VarSetCapacity(Buf)) ; Mcode { h := "530CEC83E5895583145D8BFC57560000BE840F00FB8B104D8B6D7E0041D929C12918" . "45C701087D8B607E4BACC0310C758B744B32744B41744C754B10744B203F75AEF293AD934E2C" . "EBF8751F3947393375AEF2AD66931FEBF775FF662475AEF293AD8A10EBF7751F3927381775AE" . "F22675AEF204EBF87508452BF8894F0D0014C2C95B5E5F4EF3EBD0F7C031DA89FC7589AD4383" . "F45D8902EBC1DF87F8558903E2F2CA87FB87D18775FF4739DA75AEC783CA89FB89F7F44D8BFC" . "758B0375A7F30474C98574C985F84D8BDEDF89D375A6F3045A8B0C558BA4EB087D03447A8B30" . "FE02E9C1484A8B2905E3C1D889C31F03D831078BC3484A8BEF7549AB3F30067403E1838BDB31" . "FA7549474A8B0875032872D8894902E9C13401ADC32905E3C1385A89F37549C345C70774013A" . "83D68900000136108B207A03187A8B188B08450304424A03184A2BF9890050008108891450B9" . "087D03000024E8A4F30000000327C683000000F351034E8B1075C32958AAE9B0A42B205A2B55" . "EB83E9C0311F89145AC3565EFFFFFEF90000013604EB90036A5756525153EA8300000011E814" . "420320428B63EB1A89C329D38908728BC3525A0332031A7400FE83030C7A8B104A8B0A74A6F3" . "4F473AE1E9F674FF6E3831240CFF0000008B320324728BDB4A8902E9C1344A000040346A8134" . "05E3C1D88949004A3BC301ADC3297500FB83107534A9850F085A3B0B75490CEB0000009B850F" . "385A3BDE64240CFF000000588B00000030A102588A44738B10BB305A0001F38066AD66FFDFFF" . "DF8366247400F883D821ADF2752FF81475004300533D4900523DD821AD3DD821AD0A7500FF52" . "74005400507A8B305A8B240CC1484A8B3A034005E3C1D88902E901D831078BC3294A8BEF7549" . "ABC330067403E183487A8BFA7549473F03245A8B3A033CC100000008B91A040F24D88804C307" . "04027C3A3C305E5F58ED7549AA7400F8835B595A015004EB90C3015756525153000000000015" . "E8036A20428B63EA834848D3894814420303EB1A8948C3298308728BC3525A320348207400FE" . "480C7A8B104A8BFF48C7FF483A036E380A74A6F3CF0000F1E9F474FF8BDB31240CFF004A8B32" . "03482472344A8902E9C13400000040346A8105E3C1D889C9FF4A3BC301ADC3297500FB831075" . "34B7850F085A3B0BC9FF0DEB000000850F385A3BDD75240CFF000000A8000060A14867658B48" . "20588B4800F38002588A7873FFDFBB305A0001F88366AD66FFDF2FF88366247400533DD821AD" . "F27521AD147500430075004900523DD800503DD821AD0A240CFF5B74005448407A8B305A8BE9" . "C1484A8B3A032905E3C1D88902C301D831078BC34A8BEE75C9FFAB30097403E1834875C9FFC7" . "FF483F3A03483C7A8BF7B91A0348245A8BC3C1480000001030040F24D88804AA0704027C3A3C" . "5E5F58EB75C9FF7400F8835B595AC301" VarSetCapacity(Buf, StrLen(h)//2+6) Loop % (StrLen(h)+12)//14 NumPut("0x" SubStr(h,(A_Index-1)*14+1,14), Buf, (A_Index-1)*7, "Int64") } Return DllCall(&Buf, "Ptr",hayP,"Ptr",neeP,"Ptr",hayS,"Ptr",neeS,"Ptr",sOff) } ; ============================== End of file =================================
우리는 이 2개의 스크립트를 저장 해준다.
위에것은 ScriptGuard 로 저장하고
아래것은 Binmod 로 저장해준다.
그 이후에 Binmod 를 먼저 열어서 읽은 후 그대로 따라해준다.
나는 영어를 좋아하기 때문에 번역기를 쓰지 않고 억지로 억지로 읽으면서 이해했다.
먼저 Binmod 로 저장한 파일은 Unicode 32bit 로 컴파일을 해서 오토핫키 컴파일러가 위치한 곳에 저장을 하라고 한다.이렇게 저장을 해주고 그 다음 Binmod 를 다시 읽어보면
이러이러한 내용들을 읽고 필요한 것들을 자신의 스크립트에 추가하라고 한다.
그래서 귀찮으니까 내가 다 읽고 스크립트를 보호할 수 있는 내용들로 정리했으니 이것을 복사하자.
;@Ahk2Exe-Obey U_au, = "%A_IsUnicode%" ? 2 : 1 ; .Bin file ANSI or Unicode? ;@Ahk2Exe-PostExec "BinMod.exe" "%A_WorkFileName%" ;@Ahk2Exe-Cont "1%U_au%2.>AUTOHOTKEY SCRIPT<. RANDOM" ;@Ahk2Exe-Cont /ScriptGuard2 ; See bit.ly/ScriptGuard for more details. ;@Ahk2Exe-Cont "%U_au%.AutoHotkeyGUI.RANDOM" ;@Ahk2Exe-Cont /SetDateTime ; Set current local date and time, or ;@Ahk2Exe-PostExec "BinMod.exe" "%A_WorkFileName%" "11.UPX." "1.UPX!.", 2
여기서 ;@Ahk2Exe 는 오토핫키 레퍼런스에도 나와있는 내용이니까 관심이 있다면 한번 읽어보자. 재밌다.
그래서 복사한 스크립트는 아까 저장한 ScriptGuard 밑에 넣어주고
이런식으로 넣어주면 됨 그 후 해당 파일은 앞으로 #Include 를 통해 사용할 예정이니까 내 문서/Autohotkey/Lib 폴더에 잘 저장하자.
이렇게 저장을 했으면 한번 테스트를 해봐야겠지?
내 스크립트 위에 #Include <ScriptGuard> 를 입력하고 저장한 후에 컴파일을 하자
그 이후에 실행을 해보면
실행이 잘 된다. 즉 프로그램에는 영향을 주지 않는다. 굿
Resource Hacker 에서 RCData 부분을 봐도 스크립트가 보이지 않는다. 굿
이렇게 나의 스크립트 내용을 암호화하여 다른 사람들에게 내 코드를 노출시키지 않고 공유할 수 있게 되었다!
앞으로 내 소스를 보호하고 싶을 때는 그냥 #Include <ScriptGuard> 한줄이면 보호가 될 것이다.
물론 오토핫키는 소스 보호가 안되기 때문에 리버싱을 할 줄 아는 사람이 만진다면 그냥 뚫리니까 그건 참고하자.'오토핫키' 카테고리의 다른 글
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